Show your boss some extra love!

< Back to Blog Oct 07, 2016

Boss’s Day 2016 is October 17!

Oct 07, 2016

Autumn is well underway and so is appreciation season! Hopefully, your team members are getting regular pats on the back from their managers and everyday high fives from their colleagues. But don’t let your leadership team go unappreciated. Check out these five easy ways to make a big deal out of your organization’s fearless leaders during Boss’s Day!

1.  Get Everyone Involved

Have your team sign a card, go out to lunch with your boss, have everyone pitch in to buy them an awesome gift. Whatever you do, make sure the whole team is involved. This will help with team morale while also making the boss feel extra loved!

2.  Be Sentimental

Does your boss love a latte? Do you know their favorite candy? People love to know that you remembered something personal about them, so get your boss one of their favorite things to let them know you care.

3.  Acknowledge Your Leader

Most days the boss is thanking you for your work or the team’s awesome job, but don’t forget to recognize all that your boss does. Take a moment at the all-staff meeting to give your boss a shout-out, they will appreciate it more than you know.

4.  Plan A Celebration

Who doesn’t love a party?! Hang streamers in the break room and bring in some homemade goodies to celebrate all the boss’s in your office. Taking a minute out of your day to have a little fun will make everyone in the office happy.

5.  Just Do Something (even if it’s small!)

Even if you don’t have a budget for Boss’s Day, make sure to say something to your boss to show them they are appreciated. A small thank you note to acknowledge all of their hard work will do the trick!